Energy Monitoring and Manufacturing Waste Reduction

Collecting energy consumption from laser metal cutting machines. In this case the goal is optimizing production plant energy consumption while reducing the waste of raw material

Carbon Sequestration Monitoring & Carbon Credit Management

Collecting CO2 capture data from trees and soil using multiple advanced sensors to support credit certificates issuing for financial trading   

Smart Energy Systems

Using intelligent energy management systems is dictated by the need to promote a renewable energy market within a local territory and to manage natural resources (e.g. water). 
Future Energy Grids are subject to multiple fluctuations due to disparate causes and complexities, among which the environmental and climate effects, variations of economic nature, complexity and change of political and social nature. These considerations dictate the need for a robust and optimized predictive and adaptive management system, able to collect vast amounts of data and to adopt the most modern computational intelligent tools and techniques.

Renewable Energy Communities  
(REC) Management

R​ECs are systemic organizational initiatives to manage the engineering, administrative, legal, economic and socio-cultural aspects of a territorial energy network of exchange and storage between local producers and consumers.
This emerging energy management model requires to face complexities which can only be handled by a robust, distributed, collaborative, intelligent IT platform.